Deploying Applications with AWS Amplify.
How to deploy free on AWS Amplify? Deploy application using GitHub.
Hi There,
How's it going everyone? I wanted to do a quick walkthrough on how I personally like to deploy my Next.js applications these days. I prefer using AWS Amplify because it's really cost-effective – in fact, I haven't been charged a single penny for deploying my application on Amplify.
I think you don't get charged much for having stuff deployed. You're really only charged for your usage, and that's only when your site needs more resources. So, if you don't have anyone using your application, you're going to get charged zero pennies for it.
Let's go ahead and deploy the app. You can deploy in many ways, but I'm going to explain the simplest and easiest method.
Create a GitHub Repository
You need a GitHub account. Create a new repository or use an existing one. Push your code to that repository. Okay, so now all the code is in the repo.
Open AWS Amplify
Go ahead and click on "Create New App".

Connect to GitHub
Select how you want to deploy; for ease, select "GitHub". You can use any git provider from the given list. Then click on "Next". Now, connect to GitHub to give access to the AWS service. So that AWS can access your public and private repositories.

Select Repository and Branch
Select a repo that you intend to deploy. You can choose the branch also you want to deploy. Then click on "Next".

Configure Project Settings
Now you can do some additional settings for your project, like setting environment variables (they are actually protected from others), service roles, etc. You can directly click on the 'Next' button by using the default settings.
Review and Deploy
Once all set up, you will see a screen to review your settings.Check out properly if any changes are required then go to the previous tabs and modify it accordingly. Click on the "Save and Deploy" button. AWS starts building your stuff, gets it all set up, and then deploys it. It will take time between 2-5 minutes.

You did a great job!. All set now you can open your application by clicking on the "Visit deployed URL".
Setting Up a Custom Domain
The next important step is setting up a domain. If at some point you decide to buy a domain and get it set up, you can see the blog for detailed instructions.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!